IRIG PCM Code Waveforms

PCM Code Description

Pulse Code Modulation. [PCM] A modulation system in which the standard values of a quantized wave are indicated by a series of coded pulses.

IRIG PCM Code Waveforms

PCM Chart Notes;
(1) The Bif codes may be derived from the corresponding NRZ codes by inverting the level for the last half of each bit interval.
(2) The definitions of the mark and space versions of the bi-phase code have been reversed in various editions of the IRIG Telemetry Standards.
The Telemetry Group included both definitions in the 1986 and 1993 versions of the Telemetry Standards.
In 106-96, the Telemetry Group replaced the 106-93 Bif-M and Bif-S definitions with the 106-93 DBif-S and DBif-M definitions.
The 106-93 Bif-M and DBif-S definitions were identical except for a possible inversion and a time delay of one-half bit period.
The Bif-S and DBif-M codes were identical with the same exceptions.
The inversions do not change the data content, because the information is in the level changes (transitions) not the levels.
The differential terminology and code designation have been dropped.
A few other Encoding codes.

Pulse Code Modulation. [PCM] A modulation system in which the standard values of a quantized wave are indicated by a series of coded pulses. Modulation in which a signal is sampled, and the magnitude (with respect to a fixed reference) of each sample is quantized and digitized for transmission over a common transmission medium. The PCM Code Waveforms graph is to large to fit on the dictionary page format.

PC motherboard

Distributor rolodex Electronic Components Electronic Equipment EDA CDROM Software Engineering Standards, BOB card Cabled Computer Bus Electronic Engineering Design Table Conversion DB9-to-DB25.
DistributorsComponents Equipment Software Standards Buses Design Reference

Modified 1/2/12
Copyright © 1998 - 2016 All rights reserved Larry Davis