Electrical Engineering Parts Manufacturers
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

X' Manufacturers Locator

Editor note; if the comment indicates that a company was purchased by someone on a particular date, that does not mean that the company or division was not re-sold at some later date to another company.

XaQti was Acquired by Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. in 1999.

Xcelite is a brand of Cooper Industries, 1972, but as of 2011 indicates Apex Tool Group.

Xecom was Purchased by Cermetek Microelectronics in 2007.

Xemics SA was Acquired by Semtech in 2005.

Xemod Inc. was Purchased by Sirenza Microdevices in 2002.

Xensor Corporation

Xentek Power Systems Merged with Taiyo Yuden in 1999.


Xicor was Purchased by Intersil in 2004.


XP ForeSight Changed their name to XP Power in 2005.

XPIQ Inc now XP Power.

XP Power

Xycom was purchased by Pro-face in 2001.

XYMOX Technologies

Xynetix Design Systems was Acquired by Avant Corp. in 1999.

An alphabetic company listing of most of the Electronic manufacturer sites listed on this web site. You can also search for a company by product function, using the links below. Or you can use the Home page to search by product function using the Icon 'Tree'.
There are a few companies listed here which are not listed on any of the other pages. Also; any company site which has gone bad is listed here, with the original URL with a new address if available. The old obsolete reference of a site is removed from all other pages.
As a rule only OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturer] Electronic manufacturers are listed, while value added sites are not. This is a listing of companies in the US, in addition to American Manufacturers, European Manufacturers, and Asian Manufacturers are also included.

This company listing does not include engineering consultants, equipment dealers or manufacturers reps. The list also does not include any wholesaler or suppliers, only OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturers] are listed. If your locate a Distributor use this page; Component Distributor page.
If your trying to locate data sheets you will need to look up the manufacturer responsible for manufacturing the component using the alpha navigation links at the top of each page.
There is also no listing of companies by area or location, the listing is in alphabetic order by the companies first name from companies all over the world.
This section of the site is also not a product locator, use the icons below to locate a product by function.

PC motherboard

Distributor rolodex Electronic Components Electronic Equipment EDA CDROM Software Engineering Standards, BOB card Cabled Computer Bus Electronic Engineering Design Table Conversion DB9-to-DB25.
DistributorsComponents Equipment Software Standards Buses Design Reference