OEM Engineering Companies
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

These are electronic component companies, no equipment companies are listed in this section.

Navigation for 'I' manufacturers

'Ia' to 'Im', 'In' to 'Inm', 'Inn' to 'Ins',
'Inta' to 'Integ', 'Intel' to 'Iz'

I2P was acquired by Lattice, date not known.

Ibek Electronic AG


ICE Components


IC Media Corp. The company fate is not known.

ICS now points to GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc.

ICT 'Integrated Circuit Technology Corp.': ICT's PLD business was acquired by ATC.

I-Cube Inc: Acquired by Fairchild Semiconductor.

IDEC Corporation

IFR Systems, see Aeroflex.

IGS Technologies Inc. The fate of the company is unknown.

Illinois Capacitor

ILSI America

Imaging & Sensing Technology Corp., see Mirion Technologies.

Impala Linear Corporation. Now part of Fairchild Semiconductor.

This is the company locator section of the web site. Use the navigation links at the top of the page to search for additional companies.

Larry's Web Page

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