Manufacturers producing electronic gear
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Navigation for 'G' manufacturers

'Ga' to 'Gd', 'Ge' to 'Gk', 'Gl' to 'Gn', 'Go' to 'Gz'


Glenair Inc.

Global Components & Controls.

Globe Electronic Hardware

Global Locate was Acquired by Broadcom in 2007.

Globe Motors

GlobeSpan Inc. Merged with Conexant in 2003.

GlobespanVirata Inc. is Now with Conexant


gnubi Communications, Now EXFO, 2002.

This is an alphabetic company listing of most of the Electronic component manufacturers listed on this web site. You can also search for a company by product function by using the links below.
Any company site that stops responding is deleted, although if the company gets purchased the listing might remain to indicate who purchased the company. The old reference of a site is removed from all other pages.
As a rule only OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturer] Electronic manufacturers are listed, while value added sites which do not produce any products are not listed.

This is a listing of companies doing business in the U.S., American Manufacturers, European Manufacturers, and Asian Manufacturers are also included.

Larry's Web Page

Electronic Parts and Equipment Distributors Electronic Component Manufacturers OEM Electronic Equipment Manufacturers EDA Software Producers CAD/CAE Software Engineering Standards, EE Publications Interface/Embedded Computer Bus Electronic Engineering Design Data Engineering Reference Information.
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