Manufacturers Producing Electronic Products
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Navigation for 'E' manufacturers

'E' to 'Eb', 'Ec' to 'Ek', 'El', 'Em' to 'En', 'Eo' to 'Eu', 'Ev' to 'Ez'

Epigram Inc. was Acquired by Broadcom Corp. in 1999.

Epson Electronics America Inc.


Equator Technologies, Inc. Acquired by Pixelworks, Inc. in 2005.

ERA Technolgy

Erem, see Cooper Tools

Ericsson Microelectronics was Sold to Infineon Technologies AG in 2002.

ERM Thermal Techologies Inc. Now the North American Power Division of Vette Corp., 2007.


eSilicon Corp.

ESSEX. Now Superior Essex.

ESS Technology Inc.




ETC was Acquired by Micrel.


E-TEK Dynamics Inc. see JDS Uniphase.


Etron Technology Inc.

Eudyna Devices was Acquired by Sumitomo Electric Industries in 2009.

eupec Inc, merged with Infineon.

This company locator listing does not include engineering consultants, equipment dealers or company reps. The list also does not include any wholesaler or suppliers, only OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturers] are listed. If your looking for a Distributor use this page; Component Distributors.
If your trying to locate data sheets you will need to look up the component manufacturer responsible for producing the component using the alpha navigation links at the top of each page.
This is also not a listing of companies by area or location, the listing is in alphabetic order by the companies first name.
This section of the site is also not a product locator, use the icons at the bottom of the page to locate a product by function.

An alphabetic company listing of the Electronic manufacturers. Search for a company by product function below.
There are a few companies listed here which are not listed on any other pages. Any company site which has gone bad is listed here with a new link if available and in some cases a date indicating when it was acquired by some other company. The old reference is removed from all other pages.

Larry's Web Page

Electronic Parts and Equipment Distributors Electronic Component Manufacturers OEM Electronic Equipment Manufacturers EDA Software Producers CAD/CAE Software Engineering Standards, EE Publications Interface/Embedded Computer Bus Electronic Engineering Design Data Engineering Reference Information.
DistributorsComponents Equipment Software Standards Buses Design Reference