Manufacturers Producing Electronic Products
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Navigation for 'E' manufacturers

'E' to 'Eb', 'Ec' to 'Ek', 'El', 'Em' to 'En', 'Eo' to 'Eu', 'Ev' to 'Ez'

Editor note; If the company was sold, than the manufacturer that purchased it is listed if known, with the date of purchase. However in some cases the reason for the link no longer working can not be found. There could be any number of reasons why the company that was acquired can't be found. The company could have been a division of anther company, or it may have just been the U.S. [.com] extension of a company doing business elsewhere in the world, under another name. In any case, if a site no longer functions than the listing is removed, with a note about who purchased it or if unknown than completely deleted.

Elantec Semiconductor, Inc. was Sold to Intersil in 2002.

Elco Corp., see AVX.

Elcon Products was Acquired by Tyco in 1999

Electrocube Inc.

Electro-Films, see Vishay.

Electromagnetic Technologies, Inc. 'ETI', May have been acquired by Ingersoll-Rand International.


Electronic Concepts Inc

Electronic Devices Inc. 'EDI'

Electronic Film Capacitors Inc. 'EFC'

Electronic Hardware Corp. 'EHC'

Electronic Techniques Ltd. see The Profec Group.

Electronic Technology Corp., 'ETC' was Acquired by Micrel Semiconductor in 2000.


Electro Switch Corp.

Elekon Industries was Acquired by MSI Sensors.

Elgar, see Xantrex Technology Inc.

EliteMT, 'Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc'.

Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. 'ESMT'

Elmec Technology of America

Elna America Inc.

Elpac Electronics Inc.; See Elpac Power Systems / Iccnexergy.

Elpida Memory, Inc.


This company locator listing does not include engineering consultants, equipment dealers or manufacturers reps. The list also does not include any wholesaler or suppliers, only OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturers] are listed. If your looking for a Distributor use this page; Component Distributor page.
If your trying to locate data sheets you will need to look up the manufacturer responsible for manufacturing the component using the alpha navigation links at the top of each page.
There is also no listing of companies by area or location, the listing is in alphabetic order by the companies first name from companies all over the world.
This section of the site is also not a product locator, use the icons below to locate a product by function.

Larry's Web Page

Electronic Parts and Equipment Distributors Electronic Component Manufacturers OEM Electronic Equipment Manufacturers EDA Software Producers CAD/CAE Software Engineering Standards, EE Publications Interface/Embedded Computer Bus Electronic Engineering Design Data Engineering Reference Information.
DistributorsComponents Equipment Software Standards Buses Design Reference